Friday, February 29, 2008

Is it Spring yet??

I am so ready for spring time. I really thought it had "sprung" last week but it has chilled off again. Since I have been home I have been madly cleaning out closets and purging my home. I attacked my bedroom closet first and no word of a lie I filled three count them THREE huge bags of clothes!! Where the heck did they come from? No wonder it took me forever to find something to wear!

I can just stand in front of it now and just look lol I know I know I am weird what can I say. Next was my linen closet. Now our linen closet is right in the major pathway. It does not have a door on it although it did have a bifold one when we moved here. I had taken it off very soon after as things kept falling down off the shelves and when I went to open or close the door it always jammed. So I got baskets and organized it all nice and neat.

After that was my so called laundry room which technically isn't even a room but rather a closet again with no door. And no I did not do a before shot of any of these closets.. trust me you would not have wanted to have seen them. Those of you who HAVE seen it you just hush...

Then the other day I was at Costco and they had the most beautiful tulips ever and what can I say.... I got 2 bunches and put them in my beautiful Mikasa vase and can almost smell spring really coming!

I told Keith last night that I want him to give me one whole Saturday in the next month where we can go at the spare room. My mom is planning on coming down when I have my surgery and I want that room turned back into a spare bedroom. It literally has turned into a catch all and thank goodness I have kept a door on it so I can close it. It houses the media stuff for the grandkids, Keith's tool boxes that are supposed to be IN the actual closet, his desk which he never uses as he can't get at it so uses the dining room table for his laptop, 2 large bookcases, a dresser, a sideboard that doesn't fit in the dining room and of course the bed. Add a large leather swivel chair for the desk and you can count how many times I have stubbed my toes or cracked my shins in there.

Now that is one before picture I will be taking when we start. I was actually thinking of posting it now, asking for decorating advice and then taking to lunch the person that had the greatest advice :) Sound like a plan??