Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Yesterday's Results

Yesterday was a great day. I talked to my mom twice for about an hour each time and we just chatted about the old days while I worked on my canning. I am so loving doing this. I haven't been able to do canning or plant a garden since we moved back from Vancouver 10 years or so ago because of my health and not having a place to garden. But now with the community plots that we got this spring it is very gratifying to reap what we sow. I am big on traditions and doing things the way I was taught and Mom and I talked about her recipes that I was using and where she had gotten hers from. We laughed at the silly things we as women do...it was a good day all around. But today I am taking the day off and heading over to Kitsilano Beach with Lareta for the whole day and just relaxing.


Easy as Epicure said...

the cookies are not part of the canning :) They were for the picnic today at the beach :)

Carmen said...

You are a machine!! Next year you need to invite me over and teach me how to do this!!

Easy as Epicure said...

anytime Carmen!! And you can teach me to make pesto and tiramiso!