Friday, April 30, 2010

KFC and Breast Cancer

Yesterday I saw a commercial on tv that KFC was partnering with the Susan G. Koemen Breast Cancer Foundation. For every pink bucket of chicken they sell, 50 cents would be donated to this foundation with a minimum of 1 million dollars with a vision to hopefully reach 8 million in donations.

I was concerned about this. As a breast cancer survivor I have worked hard at eating healthy, exercising and trying to take care of myself as best as possible. KFC does not promote a great lifestyle in regards to eating habit. Anytime in the past that we ordered chicken it has always arrived to our home greasy and just gross. But you ate it not realizing how bad it was for you.

It bothered me that this foundation would go in a business venture with a company that does not promote healthy lifestyle. Yes they now offer grilled chicken but really who orders grilled chicken when you order from them? So I wrote to the foundation telling them that I felt KFC was doing it for THEIR bottom line which was making money. They are only giving 50 cents for every bucket but if they had even 50% increase in people ordering because they "felt" they were helping out then they made way more money then they would have. I wrote that if KFC wanted to help out why not just donate the million dollars?

Well I never expected to hear back from them especially not within 24 hours. Here is their answer:

Thank you for your email to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. We do appreciate you taking the time to tell us how you feel about our partnership with KFC. You should know that our partnership with KFC is designed at the core to educate millions of people we might not otherwise reach with breast health information – outreach that we consider critical to our mission to save lives and end breast cancer. We are reaching people with life-saving messages through KFC’s 5,300 restaurants (about 900 of them in communities not yet served by a Komen Affiliate), with information in the store, on the buckets and in advertising directing consumers to KFC’s website, with links to
Second, this partnership is helping generate millions in funding – a goal of $8.5 million to be raised in six weeks – to further the nearly $1.5 billion in research and community programs that Komen has already spent over the past 30 years – programs that are literally saving people’s lives through better treatments, early detection and advocacy at the federal and state levels. Because of partners like this, our $500 million in research funding has paid enormous dividends – 98 percent five-year survival rates for cancers that haven’t spread from the breast and better and more effective treatments for late-stage breast cancer patients, Further, these partnerships have enabled us to invest $900 million in our communities, providing financial and medical support for women, particularly low-income women, who desperately need help gaining access to the medical care system.
Some ask what we are doing in terms of prevention. About 10 percent – or $50 million – of our research budget over the years has gone to prevention research. We’ll invest another $20 million of our $55-$60 million research grant program to prevention, and continue funding programs that educate women about their risks.
We recognize that this partnership brings up a conversation about obesity and health related to cancer. Our partnership highlights the healthy options at KFC – grilled chicken and vegetables, for example. Ultimately, the decision to maintain a well-balanced diet lies in the hands of the consumer. KFC provides tools to make those choices, by providing a healthier choice menu at its restaurants and advice on its website on how consumers can limit fat and calorie consumption in its products.
We hope that you will take a moment to visit the website to learn more about the partnership and see the stories of hope, education and empowerment being shared there.

We appreciate your concern and thank you for sharing it with us.

Very truly yours,

Margo K. Lucero
Director, Global Corporate Relations
5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 250 | Dallas, TX 72544
1-877 GO KOMEN |


Kim Siever said...

If what she says is true, why are they donating money only when someone purchases a bucket of chicken? Why not donate only when someone orders coleslaw or grilled chicken?

Because, as her second point states, this about nothing but money.