Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Being Thankful

On Thanksgiving something we do as a family is say what we are thankful for. We can not say something that someone else already said. And everyone hopes they go first otherwise they really have to think. This year mine was "being grateful to all those who supported me in my Run For The Cure race,. whether it was financially, physically, socially, mentally, or a combination of any of them. But that is not all I am thankful for. I am especially thankful to being alive. Plain and simple...being alive. I literally live each day to its fullest as I don't know if the cancer will come back or what I will face in the future. I am thankful that I don’t already have
everything I desire. If I did, what would there be to look forward to?

I am thankful when I don’t know something,for it gives me the opportunity to learn.
I am thankful for the difficult times. During those times I grow. I am thankful for my limitations,and there are many, because they give me opportunities for improvement. I am thankful for each new challenge, because it will build my strength and character. I am thankful for my mistakes, oh so many of them, they will teach me valuable lessons. I am thankful when I'm tired and weary, because it means I’ve made an effort.

It’s easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. I have been working all year on being more patient with situations and others. It has been a very long year. I have made many mistakes and have lost my cool many times but I can safely say I have been improving and am better at realizing not every one has to work at my level and that all are perfect in their own way.

I am thankful to have God in my life. He has blessed me incredibly. He has given me a husband who loves me unconditionally. Children who talk to me every day and tell me they love me. I am thankful for my grandchildren and for the life they put in me. I am so thankful for my calling in life, for the people I work with who genuinely love me and support me.

I am thankful for being alive, plain and simple., I am thankful.